BackForward Variable: CH4

Full name CH4
Definition 3D field of amount of CH4 (Methane, expressed in moles) divided by the total amount of all constituents in dry air (also expressed in moles)
Measuring Units ppb Uncertainty Units ppb
Horizontal Res Units km Vertical Res Units m
Stability Units ppb (Stability /decade)


Last modified: 2022-05-19
Applied in OSCAR/Space Gap Analysis: Yes
  • Domain: Atmosphere
    • Sub-domain: Atmospheric chemistry
      • Variable: CH4
        • Measured in Layers:
          • TC
          • TrC
          • MUS
          • UTLS
          • FT
          • PBL
          • M
  • Cross-cutting themes:

Requirements defined for CH4  (10)

This tables shows all related requirements. For more operations/filtering, please consult the full list of Requirements
Note: In reading the values, goal is marked blue, breakthrough green, threshold orange
Application-dependent Technical Priority (ATP) Magenta and Relative priority of the attributes Red

Id Variable Layer App Area ATP Uncertainty Layer/s Quality Coverage Quality Stability / decade Hor Res Ver Res Obs Cyc Timeliness Coverage Conf Level Val Date Source General Comment Application Area Comment Horizontal Coverage Comment Observation Comment Performance Comment
75 CH4 MUS
Climate-AOPC (deprecated) 2 ppb
4 ppb
10 ppb
50 km
100 km
250 km
2 m
2.5 m
4 m
3 h
4 h
6 h
30 d
60 d
180 d
Global firm 2007-07-19 AOPC 20 ppb Acc goal and 120 ppb Acc Min
76 CH4 FT Climate-AOPC (deprecated) 2 ppb
4 ppb
10 ppb
50 km
100 km
250 km
2 m
2.5 m
4 m
3 h
4 h
6 h
30 d
60 d
180 d
Global firm 2007-07-19 AOPC 20 ppb Acc goal and 120 ppb Acc Min
77 CH4 UTLS Climate-AOPC (deprecated) 2 ppb
4 ppb
10 ppb
50 km
100 km
250 km
2 m
2.5 m
4 m
3 h
4 h
6 h
30 d
60 d
180 d
Global firm 2007-07-19 AOPC 20 ppb Acc goal and 120 ppb Acc Min
78 CH4 PBL Climate-AOPC (deprecated) 2 ppb
4 ppb
10 ppb
10 km
20 km
50 km
2 m
2.5 m
3 m
3 h
4 h
6 h
30 d
60 d
180 d
Global firm 2007-07-19 AOPC 20 ppb Acc goal and 120 ppb Acc Min
141 CH4 MUS
Atmospheric Chemistry (deprecated) 2 ppb
3.4 ppb
10 ppb
50 km
100 km
500 km
1 m
1.6 m
4 m
6 h
10 h
24 h
3 d
4 d
7 d
Global firm 2002-05-24 GAW Report No. 159 Ozone chem
797 CH4 2.5 Atmospheric Climate Monitoring 0.5 1 ppb
2 ppb
5 ppb
1 ppb
1 ppb
3 ppb
100 km
500 km
2000 km
100 m
1000 m
3000 m
60 min
24 h
7 d
24 h
30 d
180 d
Global firm 2023-05-03 GCOS-245: The 2022 ECVs Requirements (GCOS-245) Requirements for uncertainty are at 2-sigma
879 CH4 PBL 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas 8 ppb
18 ppb
36 ppb
1 ppb
2 ppb
5 ppb
0.5 km
2 km
4 km
20 m
100 m
500 m
60 min
24 h
7 d
24 h
30 d
182 d
Local firm 2022-01-05 GAW Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Network Design and Evolution Uncertainties are provided as 2 sigma. They represent the sum of random and systematic error.
79 CH4 TC Climate-AOPC (deprecated) 2 ppb
4 ppb
10 ppb
10 km
50 km
250 km
3 h
4 h
6 h
30 d
60 d
180 d
Global reasonable 2007-07-19 AOPC 20 ppb Acc goal and 120 ppb Acc Min
80 CH4 TrC Climate-AOPC (deprecated) 2 ppb
4 ppb
10 ppb
10 km
20 km
50 km
3 h
4 h
6 h
30 d
60 d
180 d
Global reasonable 2007-07-19 AOPC 20 ppb Acc goal and 120 ppb Acc Min
798 CH4 UTLS 2.5 Atmospheric Climate Monitoring 100 km
200 km
2 m 4 h Global reasonable 2019-09-25 GCOS-200: The Global Observing System for Climate: Implementation Needs (Published 2016) Requirements for uncertainty and stability in the GCOS IP are expressed in different units than in the OSCAR/Requirements