BackForward Satellite: Meteor-M N1 

Satellite details
Acronym Meteor-M N1
Full name Meteor-M Number 1
WIGOS Station Identifier ---
Satellite Description
  • 1st flight unit of the Meteor-M series. 2nd of the Meteor-3M programme.
  • Main mission: operational meteorology.
  • Substantial contribution to land observation and space weather.
Mass at launch 2900 kg Dry mass 2700 kg
Power 2000 W
Data access link
Data access information
  • Real-time availability of MSU-MR, MTVZA-GY and SSPD by HRPT.
  • Real-time availability of selected images and other data by LRPT.
  • Real-time availability of DCP messages by on-board data relay.
  • Note: Global Level-1 data not available
Orbit Sunsynchronous orbit Altitude 826 km
ECT 09:30 desc


Space agency RosHydroMetRoscosmos
Status Inactive
Details on Status
(as available)
  • MSU-MR was functional with limitations (calibration issues and higher noise level in the IR channels).
  • MTVZA-GY instrument was functional with limitations due to failures of on-board memory and atmospheric sounding channels.
  • Severjanin instrument non-operational.
  • DCS was functional with limitations due to interferences to signals from ground sources.
  • GGAK-M was operational with significant limitations.
  • LRPT was functional with limitations due to information compression errors.
  • Finally, the stabilisation system failed on 23 September 2014 and the instruments could longer be operated.
Launch 17 Sep 2009 EOL 23 Sep 2014
Last update: 2021-04-19
Associated satellite programme and related satellites

Note: red tag: no longer operational , green tag: operational , blue tag : future

Satellite Payload

All known Instruments flying on Meteor-M N1

Acronym Full name
KMSS High-resolution VIS/IR Radiometer
MSU-MR VIS/IR Imaging Radiometer
MTVZA-GY Imaging/Sounding Microwave Radiometer - improved
Severjanin-M X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar
SSPD Data Collection and Transmission System
GGAK-M/RIMS-M Radio-frequency mass spectrometer - M
IKOR-M Broadband SW radiometer
GGAK-E/SKIF-6 GGAK-E / Corpuscular radiation spectrometer
GGAK-E/GALS-E GGAK-E / Detector of galactic cosmic rays
Show instrument status and calibration
Satellite frequencies for Earth Observation, data transfer and platform communications and control
Frequencies for satellite management
Service Direction Frequency (MHz) Emission designator Bandwidth (kHz) Polarisation D/A Data rate (kbps) or Baseband (kHz) Comments
TC & Ranging E-S 5747.124 MHz 8M19G2D 10010 kHz LHCP D 0.1/1.0  kbps Telemetry, command & ranging
Telemetry S-E 3405.235 MHz 8M19G2D 9290 kHz RHCP D 0.1/32.0  kbps Telemetry
Earth observation MW frequencies
Service Sensing mode Frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Polarisation Comments
MTVZA-GY passive 10.6 GHz 100 MHz H&V Window channel
MTVZA-GY passive 18.7 GHz 200 MHz H&V Window channel
MTVZA-GY passive 23.8 GHz 400 MHz H&V Water vapour channel
MTVZA-GY passive 31.5 GHz 400 MHz H&V Window channel
MTVZA-GY passive 36.7 GHz 400 MHz H&V Window channel
MTVZA-GY passive 42 GHz 400 MHz H&V Window channel
MTVZA-GY passive 48 GHz 400 MHz H&V Window channel
MTVZA-GY passive 53 GHz - 57.713 GHz 0 MHz H or V Oxygen band, 10 channels
MTVZA-GY passive 91.655 GHz 2500 MHz H&V Window channel
MTVZA-GY passive 176 GHz - 191.06 GHz 0 MHz V Water vapour band, 3 channels
Severjanin-M active 10 GHz - 9.623 GHz 0 MHz - X-band SAR
Frequencies for scientific data acquisition and communication services at ground stations
Service Direction Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (kHz) Polarisation D/A Data rate (kbps) or Baseband (kHz) Comments
DA S-E 8128 MHz 30700 kHz LHCP D 15360  kbps Stored data
DA S-E 8320 MHz 30700 kHz LHCP D 15360  kbps Stored data
DA S-E 8128 MHz 123000 kHz LHCP D 61440  kbps Stored data
DA S-E 8320 MHz 123000 kHz LHCP D 61440  kbps Stored data
AHRPT S-E 1700 MHz 3000 kHz RHCP D 3000  kbps High resolution data + DCP reports
AHRPT S-E 1705 MHz 3000 kHz RHCP D 3000  kbps High resolution data + DCP reports
LRPT S-E 137.1 MHz 150 kHz RHCP D 80  kbps Selected data
LRPT S-E 137.9 MHz 150 kHz RHCP D 80  kbps Selected data
LRPT S-E 137.9125 MHz 150 kHz RHCP D 80  kbps Selected data
DCS E-S 401.9 MHz - 402.5 MHz 5 kHz RHCP D 1.2  kbps Regional and International DCP reports
DCS E-S 401.9 MHz - 402 MHz 5 kHz RHCP D 0.4  kbps Regional DCP reports