Requirement #360 


For variable: Land surface temperature

In application: 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction

Application-dependent Technical Priority: 0.0

Goal Breakthrough Threshold Priority
Uncertainty 0.5 K 1 K 3 K
Layer/s Quality
Coverage Quality
Stability/decade (if applicable)
Horizontal Resolution 1 km 5 km 20 km
Vertical Resolution
Observing Cycle 15 min 30 min 2 h
Timeliness 15 min 30 min 2 h


Validated: 12/4/19 Source: JF Mahfouf
General Comment: Confidence: reasonable
Def: :Not firm, but based on a strong heritage of experiments with similar data
Application Area Comment: Horizontal Coverage Comment:
Observation Comment: Performance Comment:
  • Domain: Terrestrial
    • Subdomain: Land surface